Tuesday 23 June 2015

Nacho Ormaechea

The two images that have been layered to create this image include a picture of an elderly lady and a close up of a leaf on the floor. I can tell that it an elderly woman by the shoes that she is wearing and her hair style.

The image that has been revealed (the close up of the leaf) has been positioned carefully. It looks as if it were her top. The neckline shape at the top near the head and how the other end, near her skirt, is almost like it is draped over her hands. Also the colour of the leaf is important in this image. The colour of the leaf has an orange undertone. As blue and orange are complementary colours they are more vibrant and more noticeable. In the image I like how the artist tries to bring together the two images by the texture. He reveals some of the floor on the woman`s leg and on her face, and as the texture of the other image is similar the two images relate to each other.

The two images relate to each other thematically by autumn. They both have the fallen leaves on the floor and the colours of the leaves seem to be of the ones you see in autumn.  

I think that the image is trying to communicate her life, her age and at what point in her life she is at. As I mentioned earlier the image shows a reference to autumn. This could symbolise her life. For example spring is when new thing blossom and are born, summer would symbolise youth. As in autumn leaves fall of trees it show that it is growing old and winter would be the end. Similarly in this picture the women is near the end as she is portrayed to be ‘in` autumn.

This image does relate to the theme of layers as the image of leaf had been layered under the image of the women. It also relates to layers as the overall image shows us the layers of the woman who is sitting on the bench. 

Pandora`s box

The main idea of my project was to portray the history of London alongside what we see of London now.  I wanted to show how much the city has changed through the years and how ignorant most of the modern  generation is towards the history of the city without realising that we have an impact on the future of the city and one day, for the future generations, we would be part of history. After researching and experimenting with different techniques, I decided to use monoprints and image transfers to make up my final design.

 The basic idea for my piece was to create a book in the shape of a box (exploding box) containing different monoprints and image transfers. The walls of the box will not be sealed together so that when the lid is taken of the box, the walls fall with the layers inside. Inside the box there are layers of sheets of different sizes and with different designs. To make the box, I firstly made the outer cardboard layer. I then cut out the layers for inside the box (largest to smallest).  Next I designed both sides of all the layers except the outside layer. As the outside layer was made of cardboard I decided to do image transfers on all the flaps. Once I had designed the layers I stuck the base of the layers together, starting with the smallest so that I could place them in the correct area. To create the exploding effect, I created the lid to the box. I used ribbon to hold the lid. There were 11 layers in total making up the box. Each layer had a monoprint on both sides of it. One side has historical artefacts of London and the other has prints of London now.  The colours I chose to use were inspired by the medieval London. 

Wednesday 21 January 2015

Architecture Drawings-Plan

An Architecture Plan- is a birds eye view drawing of  Place or object. The purpose of a design plan is                                     to show the order of space. It automatically captures all the geometric features                                       of a site, building, or components. A plan can either portray an existing place                                       or object, or to convey enough information to allow a builder or manufacturer                                       to realise the design.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Here is an example of an architectural plan that I have made. On the right of the page is a key showing what the plan is off and what everything within the plan is. For example, the boxes with dots in them are tables and the shapes with diagonal lines in them are thick walls.