Wednesday 22 October 2014

Ben Eine

Ben Eine is a well-known graffiti artist. He was originally inspired to be a graffiti artist when a New York City subway car caught his eyes. The subway car was transformed into a canvas for graffiti, which really amazed him. He is now into typography. He believes that the core essence of graffiti is “the study and stretching of letters”. Eine then became frustrated with graffiti because he got “bored by the rules that graffiti writers put upon themselves”. To Eine, graffiti was always about exploring the different forms of letters and words. He said that he liked to do this because he likes “how letters can change when put next to other letters”. A famous graffiti artist that Ben Eine worked with was Banksy. He is known for his stencil art. They have done much collaboration over the years. Some of the places where they have done this includes; Australia, Berlin and Palestine. Street art, according to Ben Eine, should not last long. “Street art isn’t made to last”. When he said that when he was young he painted over others work and most of the art gets cleaned off at a point.

I like Ben Eine’s wok because it’s something different and it looks good. Also the fact that he does everything free handed makes you look at the work a bit differently. It makes you think that a lot of work has gone in and makes the work look better.

Here are a few pictures of his work:

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