Wednesday 22 October 2014

Si Scott

Si Scott is a graphic designer from the United Kingdom. He was born in 1977. He left school at the age of 16 to do a BTEC in design in collage in order to study graphic design at Buckinghamshire University College for two years.

Si Scott specialises in typography. This is the different types of fonts that words can be written in. He has done work for famous brands such as; Vogue, Adidas, Coca-Cola, etc. His work, compared to other artists, is different and unique. His work is a mixture of handcrafted work and hand drawn work. Some of the materials that he uses includes; fine liners and paint. “I’d say my work is ninety percent hand and ten percent other methods, such as the computer for colouring, etc. I also use paint quite lot, or am starting to again anyway”. “I really like looking at designs and thinking: that attention to detain must have taken absolutely ages”. Once he has created the illustration on paper, he would then scan it at 125% so that when the size is decreased to the actual size so the work looks clearer. As well as typography he also does illustrations using the same techniques and materials.  He uses swirls and circles to create the image. He does not normally use colour in his work as he usually uses fine liners but a few of his drawing do have colour. His inspiration comes from music as he likes to listen to music when he works. His work is often compared to Alfred Mucha and Aubrey Beardsley`s work.

 I think that his work is really good. It make the words have a different meaning. I also like how he uses mainly fine liner pens to create all those swirls to make the words look more exciting.

Here are a few of his pictures of his work:

Here are a few links that I have used:

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