Wednesday 22 October 2014

“Exit through the gift shop” written review

After witching the full documentary think that the “Exit through the gift shop” is not a real documentary. It is just a hoax. I think that the message of the documentary is that doing art is good and that artists are people who can at least draw or create something unlike Mr BW. Watching the documentary it did not seem that documentary was real. An example of this would be when people were trying to break into the exhibition. Mr Brainwash seemed a bit to calm for that situation. Also it was also a bit like a movie. What I mean by this is when in a movie something big is going to happen and then something bad happens. Similarly in the documentary, Mr Brainwash was going to have an exhibition and be just happens to injure himself. But it doesn't matter whether or not the documentary was real or not. The main point that Banksy was trying to get across to us through the documentary is that street art is meant to be expressive and it is meant to original. It also raises questions like is vandalism art? What make a person an artist? This may be the reason why he named to documentary, “Exit through the gift shop”. The exit in a museum is normally through the gift shop. This encourages people to buy something on their way out. He used these word because to sums up what the documentary is about (Terry selling street art when in fact it should only stay on the streets and not be sold).

If Mr Brainwash is a real person and not made up, then I think that he is not a real artist. This is because he doesn't do his work himself. He has people who do it for him. An artist is a person who has great ideas and who does the work themselves. Also his work is not original. It is like he has copied other artist`s styles and techniques. An example of an artist, which Mr Brainwash has done similar work to is Andy Warhol. In addition to this real street artists do not sell their work. Were as, Mr Brainwash seemed to be doing it for the fame and money.

This film did change my view. But not of street art but of street artists. I have always thought that street art was amazing and that the artists put a lot of hard work. But it changed my view on street artists because I didn't know that they take what they do extremely seriously. Also the film show how much work can be put into street art. Additionally, it shoes how a person can think that they are a street artist but they are not and how upset the real street artists can get due to that.

It is hard to draw a line between street art and vandalism. This is because everyone has different opinions. It is not necessary that a piece of art that one person likes, another person will too. But I think that vandalism is when for example someone just gets spray paint and sprays it over everything in a big mess. Street art normally has a meaning and a form. A person is only a street artist because of their work and ideas behind the work. It is no goo having an idea but some else does the work because then the person doing the work is the artist. Also the work of the person should be unique and original or else it is copying another artist.

I like street art because is different and it is exiting to know what different things are going to be on the walls, building, floors etc. I think that in the film, the time that the artist when to far was when they went to Disney land and they put up a human (prisoner) shaped air bag. People go to Disney land with children to have a fun time not to have a bad time. Seeing something like that ruins people’s mood and stops them from enjoying themselves which they has gone to do.

The public own the streets and public spaces because if you think about it, it is government land and the government works for the public. So I think that it is fine to do art where you please. Businesses get to advertise their messages, but it someone paints over it, then I think that it’s fine because either way the businesses logo or sign would probably be up and they would be advertised. Also if they art on the advert is good or bad, it shows something about what the public think of them. I think that it is bad that money determines what gets advertised. However it is the only efficient and easy way to advertise.

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